As part of the Subscriptions and Memberships team, our goal is to enhance our products in order to keep current subscribers happy, and to encourage new users to create accounts and subscribe. Our objective with this project was to increase new subscribers and retention through the introduction of a bookmarking feature on The New Yorker

Users who have accounts with will now be able to save articles for later, and can access/manage them all through their Account Profile and the All Bookmarks page. This will allow users to save articles of interest for later, save articles that they didn’t get a chance to finish, and will serve their account more accurate suggested content based on their bookmarking preferences.

Users who attempt to bookmark an article are prompted to login so that they can access their saved articles. We hypothesize that this will:

  • Increase article consumption and time on site, as users can read stories when they want to read them.
  • Increase user and customer satisfaction with The New Yorker as a digital experience.
  • Increase renewal for existing customers
  • Increase the site subscription conversion rate. Data shows that while signed-in non-subscribers account for only 2.25% of sessions, they account for 4.4% of half barrier paywall hits and 15.7% of full barrier paywall hits. (users who have accounts are therefore more likely to convert to subscribers when hitting a paywall.)
  • Provide us with long term opportunities of marketing / retargeting emails based on user preferences.